What did you do in Italy? "Oh, I ate a lot."
Everybody suggested that we should eat a lot while we were in Italy.
Well, well, well, I was very obedient.e
But not all the food is nice, and I am very picky.
1. Ice cream, ice cream, what's good in you?
Why are you so good?
I've tried ice cream from a few different shops, and this one is especially great!
Although it is a chained brand, I like it the most.
Do you know which brand I am talking about?
It is the GROM!!
I would never forget the smooth texture of the ice cream.
There are so many flavours and they are just perfect!
GROM 冰淇淋:
2.Tiramisu 提拉米蘇
Another specialty of Italy would be Tiramisu.
Sometimes I felt outrageous that some restaurants get ready-made tiramisu from other places.
The soft cheese for a nice tiramisu is very important, fresh and creamy.
This Tiramisu was a surprise. I didn't expect much of it, but it turns our to be my number one.
Moreover, the hot chocolate really gave me a shock in a good way.
It's not hot chocolate made out of from power but real chocolate, so full of flavour.
這是一間連鎖的Snack Bar,義大利到處都是Snack Bar,裡面買Panini(義大利的三明治)、酒、飲料、咖啡、點心、...等。這間的提拉米蘇真的好吃,大該是因為起司的量多,而不是用蛋糕或餅乾去充量的。令人驚喜的是它的熱巧克力,濃濃的巧克力,絕不是用巧克力粉跑出來的!
3. A pizza house in Lucca 在盧卡的披薩店
There is a small pizza house in the centre of Lucca.
There's only a few seats in the room and a big brick oven.
When I say a big brick oven, you have to imagine a beautiful rounded red tomato pizza being carried out from the oven. The heat and the smell filled the room.
So of course we ordered a piece of pizza which is weighed to be calculate for the price.
And it is absolutely cheap.
The piece we ordered was less than 2 Euro.
They've also got Espresso. 80 cent for one! How lovely!
在盧卡巧遇的披薩店,小小的披薩店裡有個大大的窯爐,薄片的窯烤披薩,美味不用說,這麼一大片還不到兩歐,Espresso也是見過最便宜的 80 Cent。